We’ve tried to answer as many of your questions as possible below, but if you don’t see an answer to your question, the contact page has details as to where to contact us, or if your question is Kirkcudbright related, you may fin the answer of the Kirkcudbright website.
Where & when is Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival held?
Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival is held in the harbour town of Kirkcudbright in South West Scotland in a number of venues throughout the town. The Festival is held over four days, Thursday to Sunday in June, this year the dates are the 13th – 16th June 2024.
How do we get to Kirkcudbright?
You can get to Kirkcudbright most easily by car, but there is public transport that services the town. For more details visit the How to Find Us page.
Is there ample car parking in Kirkcudbright?
There is a large car park in the Harbour Square in the centre of town. There is plenty of parking throughout the town all of which is free of charge.
When & where is the Festival programme available?
The programme, priced at £3, should be available from early April. If you wish a copy posted to you send your request together with £5.50 to cover the cost of the programme and p&p to Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival, c/o 90 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright DG6 4EJ. Don’t forget to include your name and address! Alternatively you can buy the programme along with your tickets on our Buy Tickets page. You can also buy the programme when you’re in Kirkcudbright from the venues at Jazz events and from Willow at 28 St Mary Street.
How do I buy tickets for the Festival?
Online: You can buy your tickets here.
By post: To Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival c/o 90 St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4EJ along with a cheque made out to ‘Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival’.
In person: At the venues and from Willow at 28 St Mary Street in Kirkcudbright. Festival programme’s will also be available from these locations.
What tickets are available at the Festival?
We have a range of different ticketing options depending on whether you wish to dip your toe in the water of jazz, or are coming for the full four days.
Weekend tickets: For the full duration of the Festival; Thursday – Sunday £78
Day Tickets: Suitable for Friday, Saturday or Sunday £30
Afternoon Tickets: Suitable for Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoon £16
Evening Tickets: Suitable for Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening £16
You can buy your tickets here.
How many bands are playing at the Festival?
This year we have 8 bands performing in Festival venues together with further groups formed specifically for the Festival from a pool of musicians with members Jeff and Anne Barnhart, Tom Langham, Graham Smith, John Hallam, Roy Percy, John Fenner, Tom Kincaid, Samantha Wright and Thomas l’Etienne. Although band bookings have been agreed the line up remains subject to final confirmation in case of any unexpected circumstances.
Sarah Spencer’s Transatlantic Jazz Band, The Red Stripe Band, Chicago Bears Society Jazz Band, Wyre Levee Stompers, Roaring Twenties Band, The High Society Jazz Band and Hot Fingers with Emily Campbell.
How many venues are used?
In 2024, two large venues (the Parish Church Hall and Parish Church) and two smaller venues (Selkirk Arms and Garret Hotel) will be used. In addition, The Aulld Alliance Restaurant will host jazz with dining. We are still exploring additional venues, including jazz dining.
Will there be space to dance in the venues?
This should be available in our main venues but audience numbers in any venue may be such as to limit or even deny space for dancing.
What kind of Jazz will be played?
Our aim is to invite bands who represent a range of styles and sounds, from classic ragtime and traditional New Orleans, Chicago, San Francisco and Dixieland Jazz; to swing and jump-jive. Each year we consider feedback from Festival attendees when we put together the playbill for the next Festival, taking into account availability and balance. If you come to the Festival please make your voice heard – feedback forms are available at every venue!
All the venues, with exception of the Auld Alliance, are suitable for wheelchair access. If you have any additional access or other needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Do you sell any merchandise at the Festival?
We have had some limited feedback from Festival attendees about providing some branded items, such as t-shirts. As a charity with a focus on minimising costs and thus keeping ticket prices as low as possible, our investigations have shown that we would have to order in significant quantities to keep purchase costs down. This would mean carrying quite a lot of stock with associated risks for successfully selling at any Festival. Thus far we have decided against merchandising but we review this each year and ask for continued feedback to test for demand.